So, here's a 32 week belly pic from about a week ago to get us started. I know I have been so fortunate to have a really comfortable pregnancy so far. I think that's just one reason that the past few weeks have found me in a lull. Not to mention, non-pregnancy life has been pretty busy. I am in the midst of a large project at work, for which the end date coincides(-ish) with the beginning of my maternity leave. Additionally, MP had finals for two weeks, which always leads to quiet time in the Pulle household. Upon finishing those finals, MP headed off to Nashville for his summer clerkship for seven weeks...so since he left I have been too busy walking the dogs to write a blog entry. It's been impossible for me to entertain them as well as MP does - with several walks each day, games of chase and catch in the yard, encouraging them to wrestle, etc. I swear - those fleabags are in for a big surprise when BBP arrives, I am afraid. I have somehow managed though, and they do keep me company when I'm a little lonely with MP gone.
They do love to get their dog-fighting on, as evidenced below - and for the record, Riley pretty much kicks Tipper's butt even though Tipper is twice Riley's size.

Now, at 33 weeks, I am feeling like we're getting close, but are still so far away. It's as though I am in this time warp where I still have so much time, and it's way too early to be thinking about things like how the infant car seat installs, whether I have enough diapers, and if all BBP's little clothes are washed. On the other hand, by my midwife's instructions, I have a long list of supplies to have prepared on hand for the birth by 36 weeks and that deadline doesn't seem so far off! So, I spent a little more time this past weekend unpacking some of the gifts we've received, organizing clothes and cloth diapers (the dresser is full!), putting sheets on the crib, washing baby blankets, and making a list of final things we need to complete the nursery. This was actually a really enjoyable task since I love being around BBP's stuff and I really love organizing.
MP and I have decided to paint the nursery this weekend while he is home for Memorial Day. I guess this means I have to settle on a color this week. I recently learned from a friend that yellow walls make a baby fussy, and even if this is an old wives' tale, I think I'll avoid yellow just in case! The room only has one small window, so I would also prefer to go with a warm color - we'll see. I think I see an evening at Lowe's, hanging out in the paint section, in my future this week.

In other news, the Pulle household is very full of life - one of our front porch ferns is host to a little bird nest, with four baby bird eggs in it. I got a picture of them upon discovering the nest while watering the ferns one day, and just yesterday saw that the babies have hatched!! I didn't get a photo of that though, because the momma birdie seemed very nervous with me hanging out by her fern. The little birds were teeny tiny though. So sweet. *Yep, I am a huge dork...but if you are reading this blog, you already know that.
Since I lead such an exciting life these days, I'll definitely try to do a better job of keeping all four of you updated on what I am up to...I know you can't wait.