Well, we last left off with the grandparental visit in progress. As you can see Franma and Grand-Dan took full advantage of their time hanging out with MP2. We hung out around the house...

...and around the 'hood.

All in all, it was an absolutely wonderful visit. We loved having Franma and Grand-Dan here, and MP2 just loved getting to meet and know them over their visit. We can't wait to have them here again later this fall.
A few days before our walk with FM + G-D, MP and I took MP2 out for his very first walk in the stroller. I had been avoiding putting his infant seat in the stroller and going for that long awaited stroll since it has just been so so so H-O-T. I feel like that little head positioner is like a head-heat-trap. We found though, that as long as we go out for shorter periods, and try to go first thing in the morning or last thing in the evening, it is much more bearable (for us and MP2). Other than not wanting to wish away one second of my maternity leave, I am so eager for fall. I can't wait to take MP2 on nice long walks on the MKT trail with a nice cool breeze blowing.

In other big "firsts" news, our little man got his first feeding not fully provided by his mom. MP loved giving him a bottle of breast milk. Did I love pumping??? Not so much...though I realize it will be a necessary evil for several months to come. Especially if I want to be able to get out some over the next few months and worry a little less than I do today.
Just look how sweet that is!
A couple days after the FM + G-D departure, we got to see another round of Pulle (and Chociey) visitors. Theresa and Ed made it down to meet MP2 and spend a long weekend with us. Here's Theresa first meeting MP2. (In case you were wondering, he really was happy to meet her, he had just been napping right before her arrival)

Here's both Ed and Theresa checking out their one and only nephew.

While I was so excited for their trip, I can't say I wasn't a little worried that MP2 would be a terror (which would have been completely out of character for him!) and scare them to death, considering they'll have one of these - only theirs is a sweet girl - come December.
Luckily, MP2 was his delightful self, and didn't put the fear of the end of life as they know it in them (or if he did, they didn't admit that to me). Not only that, but we actually got out and were able to do some fun things.
...including lunch at one of our CoMO staples, followed by another first. A walk downtown (yes, we'd done that before) with MP carrying MP2 in the Baby Bijorn. Talk about a (literal) weight off my shoulders!

We also checked out the A Frame - where Theresa got the cutest ever MP2 foot pic.
It was a warm day, but not too hot to sit in the shade for awhile and enjoy a drink (only water for my sister-in-law...not to worry)!
Once we'd been there for a bit MP2 needed a snack, so we got him out of the chair and took his onesie off to cool him down a little bit. We are nothing if not classy...between nursing the bambino, stripping him down to his diaper, and using a cool wet cloth to cool him down, we were looking f-a-n-c-y!

Theresa is looking fantastic! We are all looking so forward to her Christmas baby and meeting Max's cousin just after the holidays.

Another first (and I guess a last too) was MP2 self soothing with a little thumb suck. He found that puppy all on his own and was just as happy as he could be. Has he done it again? Negative. Has he been happy when we tried to help him do it again? Another big fat negative. I am glad we caught this moment on camera, since it looks like the one and only time it'll happen.

A blog post without a sleepy MP2 picture just wouldn't be a blog post I could feel good about. So, here it is. A milk drunkies MP2. Post feeding, he just becomes a big ol' sack of potatoes (only much, much cuter). Want to know what happens if you put MP2 in the crib or the dreaded pack and play while he's in this state? It is just like dumping a bucket of cold water all over him, within moments he is awake and decidedly unhappy. If not rescued quickly, he goes into full on red-faced, silent-fury mode where MP thinks that he
is actually still crying, only at such a high pitch we can no longer hear him.
I prefer for you all to have this angelic picture in your minds instead. :)