Well, we have been busy over this summer. I can't believe how quickly the time flies by. Recently, we celebrated one special fourth birthday, and I cannot believe in just over two short weeks we will be celebrating a special first birthday!! Whew, a whirlwind, I tell you.
So, what have we been up to over the past six or so weeks, you wonder? First up, is something we thought would be a hit, but turned out to be a little more of a dud...we took MP2 down to the honky tonks on lower broadway. Don't worry - it was a harmless Saturday afternoon. Unfortunately, due to the fact that he only likes bro-country and we like actual country, we did not find the same honky tonks to be appealing. He liked the weird dude singing current country singles at the giant three story bar that looks like it should be in Hendersonville, and we like Roberts. Regardless, it wasn't a complete bust...we did have fun walking around and I think it was nice to expose him to some real country tunes!!

Now, for this one...man, does she ever love to eat. I think you could put an old shoe on her tray and she would nosh on the sole all day long. Seems like she should be growing with all that food, but she's still a teensy peanut. I almost can't wait to hear how much she weighs at her one year appointment just so I can spend some time wondering how one can literally eat butter, yet not rapidly gain weight. Goodness knows, she didn't get that from me :)
Our other activities have included the splash park (more splashing for MP2 than NC)
Mall indoor playground
Getting up to speed on her cooking skills
Getting around (on her 10month birthday no less)
Bath time
Summer parties
Being cute
Yoga at the farmers market with a friend
Grocery shopping
Whew, all this excitement will wear a girl out!
More indoor playgrounds to escape the oppressive heat!
Looking cute at 11 months old
Pool time
Fun with dad
Can you tell there was a three or more day wait between when I first started this post and finishing it up?!?! Really though, the last three months with NC have been so wonderful. She has turned into such a happy baby. As with each of us, she still has some quirks and can change moods in a hurry and is pretty skeptical of folks other than family, but she has done such a 180.
Also, our country music loving, wild and crazy little MP2 is not so little. I can't believe what an opinionated, negotiating, talkative and smart boy he is becoming. I love having fun with him, he brings so much joy to our lives.
Look forward to a post about my baby turning four and a visit from Ama + Grandpa for Max's birthday party. Need to get those done in advance of my teensy peanut turning one in TWO WEEKS...what just happened!!??