Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Keep on the Sunny Side

CoMO has had some strange spring weather...we've had 80 degrees, followed only a couple of days later by days so cold I didn't want to venture outside. This has forced us to take advantage of the good ones when we have them.

A couple weeks ago, on a nice warm day, we packed a picnic lunch and went to Rock Bridge State Park (sans dogs, which was simultaneously exhilirating and guilt laden). It was nice to take a short hike in the woods, followed by spreading out a blanket and having a late lunch and MP2 crawling session.

Another nice day found us on a walk after brunch with some friends and their 2.5 and .25 year old sons (which is a whole other story - suffice to say, while we had a great time, brunch just isn't what it used to be). We discovered a nice bed of blooming tulips on the Columbia College campus, and I thought it would be a great photo op.MP2 has also blossomed (how's that segway??) into a standing machine. It's hard to believe that only a few weeks ago he was hardly crawling. These days, more often than not, when we go to get him after naps or in the morning, we find this -

What a big, big boy we have on our hands!! He's also beginning to do some serious cruising around on the furniture. There's no holding him back!

With skills like these, the future's so bright, you've got to wear shades (ha ha)

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