Once I get to talking, I often find it difficult to stop. I know this surprises all the blog readers out there, as you are all the people who know me best. Anyway, all of a sudden I am realizing that it has been nearly a month since anyone's had an update on MP2! I don't know how you've all survived :)
MP2 and I returned from Nashville and the Lady Gaga concert to find the Franma just arrived in CoMO for a week long visit. She and MP2 had a lot of qt, and Franma was a huge huge help to Matt and I too during a very busy week.

Here we were just before swimming at Mizzou for Friday night Family Night!

And in the pool - one of MP2s favorite places!

All the fun wore him out.

We were so glad to have Franma here for Easter. We went to Broadway Brewery for Easter Brunch, and had a great time. MP and I prefer to dine out with MP2 only when grandparents are joining us. These days we need LOTS of extra hands to entertain the little guy. The days of ambient restaurant noise putting him to sleep in the bucket seat, are
long gone. Now, he is a man on the move, and he wants to be entertained...if he's getting bored, he will sure let you know!

MP2 loves hanging with Franma!

We are getting all sorts of squeals and screams of delight out of MP2 as he gets more and more interactive playing with us. It is so so much fun to see him growing and changing.

On the go...constantly.

The dogs will clear out as soon as they see him coming, and he is quick (just like his daddy)!

He makes this face we call the dragon where he snorts and clenches his teeth - this is a seldom seen half dragon face.


Loves bathtime. I think he'd stay in there as long as I would let him.

Our new fun place to spend time has been the play area at the library. There are toys and tables and chairs and puzzles and books (ha, of course). It's tons of fun.

We went to the Rhythms and Rhymes program, as much for me as MP2 (you all know I got no rhythm...) MP2 had a great time, but I think he cared more about the post program playtime than the actual program.

We're headed (actually as of now, arrived and getting all settled in) to Nashville for the summer. I am looking forward to a change in my work situation (again - I am behind the times, as I am actually already enjoying this change!). I have left my part time IBM job to strike out on my own. This summer I am going to do some campaign work for a few Nashville city council candidates, and then we will see what happens come the fall.
A sneak preview for upcoming post:
Nana took a fall, and is recovering from breaking her hip - MP2 and I are trying to do all we can to assist in a speedy recovery
We are loving our new place in Nashville - it's so close to lots of friends - and we have a pool!!!
MP is already working hard, and finding it very interesting
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