Well, late May found us on the road again. This time, headed to Nashville for the summer. (Whoo-hoooo!!!) Unfortunately, Nana suffered a fall right before our trip and is still recovering from a broken hip. She's on the mend though. It did prevent her from having to come out to CoMO for the move. Luckily, Papa was still able to make the trip. Our caravan from CoMO to Nashville stopped at one too many McDonalds. We found MP2 not quite big enough for PlayPlace, but if it wasn't crowded, he could at least get some energy out.

As soon as we arrived, it was time for MP to start work and MP2 to start daycare. We are so lucky to have a wonderful in home caregiver to take care of MP2. She actually taught at my kindergarten, so we go way back, so to speak. There are several other kids there, and MP2 is loving the social time. It's only a couple of miles from our Nashville appartment, and for the first couple of weeks it wasn't too hot for me to run him over - literally!

Oh, and anyone who's in Nashville knows...2011 is the year of the Cicadas! Eeek. Luckily, Tipper is doing her best to eradicate them by eating them all.

Nana and Papa know how much MP2 loves to swing, so they got one for their house, and he's been making use of it!

Bathtime has not lost it's allure, and furthermore, we are getting to enjoy it even more often with the hot summer temperatures!

Promise, we only brought one box of toys! Just one. It looks liek more than it is :)

The apartment complex has a POOL!!! First time ever - access to water, whenever we want it! MP2 is having a great time!

...and so are our friends!

I guess all the swimming is tiring him out, since some days we have to wake him up by 8:30!! Got to get started on the day!

MP2 hangs with the illustrious WW

Favorite passtime- getting in the drawer of cooking spices.

Even with a naked bottom!

Discovered the best food ever - peaches. He eats at least one each day!

And Nana and Papa got him a splash mat that is super fun.

Week 2 with WW - new series!
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