Friday, September 9, 2011

Maritime Max

Labor Day weekend found the Pulles headed out once again. We were off to Connecticut and New York for cousin Isla's christening. We arrived late on Thursday evening, and while MP2 was good on the plane, he did not sleep as we'd expected him to do. This started the trend of throwing off naps/bedtime for pretty much the whole trip. Luckily, MP2 is a roll with the punches kind of guy (he definitely did not inherit that trait from his mother!), and he did fine regardless.

Friday, we drove a couple of hours over to Mystic, CT to visit Mystic Seaport, which is an outdoor museum/park area with tons of old boats, and an old replica seaport village. We could not have wished for a more beautiful day. MP2 LOVED taking in all the sights.

Here we are at the park entrance - MPs and Franma:

...and, the three of us:

We had a great lunch outside by the water. The tables were situated in a grassy area with lots of landscaping and MP2 had a great time just walking around exploring the area - which was fantastic, since he tends to get bored at restaurants these days (and I worry about us disrupting other diners)

Here are the MPs walking down the street of the historic replica village:

Near a barn - we have discovered the first fear of MP2...horses. He saw a horse drawn carriage, and just looking at the horse made him cry (I'll give it to him - it was a very large horse, it kind of scared me too). So, we took him over to the barn to show him the other horses.

The best part of the whole day came at the end when we discovered the shuttle boat that would take you from one end of the park to the other by water. I think we may have a future sailor on our hands. MP2 spent the ride to one end of the park and back again just giddy - giggling and pointing at everything. It was pretty great.

The next day, we headed out on another waterfront adventure - to Newburgh, CT. We had an early dinner, and again we had good luck with MP2. Having a little room to roam sure helps matters. We walked along the waterfront for awhile, and captured a photo of three generations of Pulle men:

MPs with Grand Dan and Franma:

Sunday found us at Isla's christening.

And here is a great contrast to a photo taken on our last visit to Manhattan with cousin Isla

When we were all done with the serious stuff, it was time for naps...and then some fun. We headed over to Chelsea Piers in Isla's 'hood for a carousel ride

Maybe it was a little long for MP2's taste, here he is just prior to breaking out into a full on cry.

MPs at Chelsea Pier

Back at Grand Dan and Franma's having some QT with cousin Isla.

All in all it was a great time spent with family!

Beach Bum in Training

In typical style, MP and I had a whirlwind final few days of summer. The same day that MP wrapped up his summer clerkship, we moved out of our summer apartment and the following day piled in the car with Nana and Papa to head to Seaside, FL for a week long family beach trip. The day after our return, we were heading back to CoMO and the next day classes started for MP. We did have a much-needed super relaxing time on vacation. And most exciting was MP2 learned to walk! From here on out, I don't think there's going to be any slowing him down.

Here we are prior to our inaugural beach outing:

MP2 wasn't sure what to think of sand and waves. Typically he loves the water, but the ocean took a little getting used to. He did love to play in the sand, and luckily MP was willing to dig in the sand with him for as long as he was interested.

Nana showed MP2 how to make those drippy sand castles, which he loved. Only thing he didn't love? Having the waves lapping at his toes. Give him time and I am sure we can turn that around!

More playing with MP

Most days we headed to the beach in the mornings, then back to the condo for lunch and nap, followed by an afternoon pool trip. We had the pool mostly to ourselves, and there was a kiddie pool that was perfect for MP2 to play in.

In the big pool with Papa.

By far, the most exciting part of our trip was MP2 starting to walk. For several weeks, he'd been taking 1-2 steps at a time, but never more than that. While we were at the pool, he started walking in the shallow water a little farther than he'd previously gone. Then one day, there was a boy about 3 months older than MP2. His name was Ledger...he and his mom made me feel like a total slacker, since Ledger could walk all over the place, wave bye-bye, sign like a million words, and most importantly, not only fist bump, but explode the bump. Man, that kid could do it all. I think MP2 got a little competitive since the very next day, he took off on his own two feet!

All that playing and learning to walk necessitated some quiet time as well. I think Nana read "Barnyard Dance" about 500 times that week. She can probably recite it from memory now.

MP2 leads a mean game of chase with Papa before bedtime.

More reading

Finally, by week's end, MP2 was so worn out he'd sleep anywhere. I think a nap on the beach pretty much can't be beat. Glad that he agrees :)

Special thanks to Nana and Papa for such a great week and fun vacation.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Catching Up

You know how when you go too long without talking to a good friend it's almost easier NOT to call than to call? Like you have so much to say, that you know you will never find time when you both can talk for that long? That is how I've been feeling about the ol' blog. Somehow, the second half of the summer got away from us, and both MP and I found ourselves with little free time.

Have no fear - even though I was not keeping up with the blogsphere, we were all having lots of fun. MP2 just seems to get cuter every day. I mean check him out...I seriously think he's going to OD on cute pills:

Along about mid-July, he finally started getting serious about the whole walking business. Thank goodness considering I was beginning to wonder if he was going to meet my goal of full on walking before we went to the beach in mid-August. Some friends passed along this push toy, and it got the ball rolling. We would take him outside or in the hallway at our apartment to practice (I am sure all the single 20-somethings loved hearing the snap of the wooden alligators with each of MP2's steps! I promise we never did it before 9am!!)

With all this trying to get mobile, there were also some nasty cuts and bruises along the way. This one lasted over 2 weeks. As you can see, he also still:

- loves to swing

- makes a monster face to express happiness

We got pool time in with friends, and even took to skinny dipping a time or two (MP2...not me!!)

A trip we did not make frequently enough was to the downtown library. It is one of my favorite places in Nashville, and there is a little play area in the kids section, not to mention tons of great programs for kids. Shortly after this photo was snapped, MP2 found the best ever library passtime - removing ALL THE BOOKS from the shelves. Then screaching and crying when I tried to redirect his interest elsewhere. Fun times ;)

Some days, there was just too much fun to be had. Busy life can wear a boy out!

Papa started sharing bananas with MP2, and you'd think he's a monkey. He loves those much so, that I have to hide the bananas from him. If he sees one and isn't able to get those grubby little hands on it, then he freaks out. That's how I feel about my favorite things too!

Oh, and MP's cousin and her boyfriend visited from London. They had spent some time in North Carolina and were taking a driving tour to New Orleans. We got to have a nice dinner (adults only!) and then MP2 and I met up with them for breakfast the next morning so that they could meet him. It was so great to see them (well I guess meet them, since it was my first time to see them as well). I was glad they carved out the time to hang out with us.

Then, after a trip to Seaside, FL with Nana and Papa (to be covered in a separate post), it was back to CoMO for the Pulles. Shortly after our return, we were heading to NYC/CT for cousin Isla's christening (also to be covered soon) and it was time to trim up those long bangs. It made me so sad to have MP2's hair cut, but now he can see to get around - and Jen did a great great job. She kept it long all over and really only trimmed the part that was hanging in his face. She knew I was nervous about how it would look. It really made him look like such a little boy! And...he was so good and just sat very still while she was cutting. She gave him a comb to occupy each hand and then she went to town.

Next up was visiting all our old haunts, and seeing how they've changed - or how MP2 has changed and grown and plays so much more. Here he is in the mall play area

and at Lend and Learn (a toy library and play place)

at Flat Branch (also the site of his first ever outing, as photographed here). I will say, we are learning that to maximize not only our enjoyment, but all other restaurant patrons as well, we are going to either have to stop going out to eat unless we get a sitter, or come up with some really cool games/toys to occupy MP2. This one is always on the go - you get about 20 minutes in a high chair, then it's time to move on to the next activity...such as stopping to smell the flowers!

We also have some new fun activities! We got a bike trailer for MP2 to ride along in. There is a great trail just a mile from our house, and in the pre-baby era I would often join MP on his long runs. Only I needed a bike to keep up with him. So out we would go, him on foot, me pedaling along beside. Since MP2 joined the scene, I have missed those chances. Now he is plenty big to ride too. We have always taken him for lots of walks and runs in the stroller, so he is actually pretty comfortable just hanging out for a ride.

Well, that is the last six weeks or so in a nutshell...minus two big trips for our little road warrior. Look for those updates soon (I hope!)