Have no fear - even though I was not keeping up with the blogsphere, we were all having lots of fun. MP2 just seems to get cuter every day. I mean check him out...I seriously think he's going to OD on cute pills:

With all this trying to get mobile, there were also some nasty cuts and bruises along the way. This one lasted over 2 weeks. As you can see, he also still:
- loves to swing
- makes a monster face to express happiness

A trip we did not make frequently enough was to the downtown library. It is one of my favorite places in Nashville, and there is a little play area in the kids section, not to mention tons of great programs for kids. Shortly after this photo was snapped, MP2 found the best ever library passtime - removing ALL THE BOOKS from the shelves. Then screaching and crying when I tried to redirect his interest elsewhere. Fun times ;)

Papa started sharing bananas with MP2, and you'd think he's a monkey. He loves those puppies...so much so, that I have to hide the bananas from him. If he sees one and isn't able to get those grubby little hands on it, then he freaks out. That's how I feel about my favorite things too!

Oh, and MP's cousin and her boyfriend visited from London. They had spent some time in North Carolina and were taking a driving tour to New Orleans. We got to have a nice dinner (adults only!) and then MP2 and I met up with them for breakfast the next morning so that they could meet him. It was so great to see them (well I guess meet them, since it was my first time to see them as well). I was glad they carved out the time to hang out with us.

Then, after a trip to Seaside, FL with Nana and Papa (to be covered in a separate post), it was back to CoMO for the Pulles. Shortly after our return, we were heading to NYC/CT for cousin Isla's christening (also to be covered soon) and it was time to trim up those long bangs. It made me so sad to have MP2's hair cut, but now he can see to get around - and Jen did a great great job. She kept it long all over and really only trimmed the part that was hanging in his face. She knew I was nervous about how it would look. It really made him look like such a little boy! And...he was so good and just sat very still while she was cutting. She gave him a comb to occupy each hand and then she went to town.
Next up was visiting all our old haunts, and seeing how they've changed - or how MP2 has changed and grown and plays so much more. Here he is in the mall play area

and at Lend and Learn (a toy library and play place)
at Flat Branch (also the site of his first ever outing, as photographed here). I will say, we are learning that to maximize not only our enjoyment, but all other restaurant patrons as well, we are going to either have to stop going out to eat unless we get a sitter, or come up with some really cool games/toys to occupy MP2. This one is always on the go - you get about 20 minutes in a high chair, then it's time to move on to the next activity...such as stopping to smell the flowers!

We also have some new fun activities! We got a bike trailer for MP2 to ride along in. There is a great trail just a mile from our house, and in the pre-baby era I would often join MP on his long runs. Only I needed a bike to keep up with him. So out we would go, him on foot, me pedaling along beside. Since MP2 joined the scene, I have missed those chances. Now he is plenty big to ride too. We have always taken him for lots of walks and runs in the stroller, so he is actually pretty comfortable just hanging out for a ride.
Oh, and MP's cousin and her boyfriend visited from London. They had spent some time in North Carolina and were taking a driving tour to New Orleans. We got to have a nice dinner (adults only!) and then MP2 and I met up with them for breakfast the next morning so that they could meet him. It was so great to see them (well I guess meet them, since it was my first time to see them as well). I was glad they carved out the time to hang out with us.

Then, after a trip to Seaside, FL with Nana and Papa (to be covered in a separate post), it was back to CoMO for the Pulles. Shortly after our return, we were heading to NYC/CT for cousin Isla's christening (also to be covered soon) and it was time to trim up those long bangs. It made me so sad to have MP2's hair cut, but now he can see to get around - and Jen did a great great job. She kept it long all over and really only trimmed the part that was hanging in his face. She knew I was nervous about how it would look. It really made him look like such a little boy! And...he was so good and just sat very still while she was cutting. She gave him a comb to occupy each hand and then she went to town.
and at Lend and Learn (a toy library and play place)

We also have some new fun activities! We got a bike trailer for MP2 to ride along in. There is a great trail just a mile from our house, and in the pre-baby era I would often join MP on his long runs. Only I needed a bike to keep up with him. So out we would go, him on foot, me pedaling along beside. Since MP2 joined the scene, I have missed those chances. Now he is plenty big to ride too. We have always taken him for lots of walks and runs in the stroller, so he is actually pretty comfortable just hanging out for a ride.
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