We planned a birthday party for 3-6 pm at Nana and Papa's house. This is MP2's prime time in the afternoon, and gave us plenty of time to prepare. Though, as we were grilling the ribs in 1,000,000,000 degree heat outside, I kind of thought a breakfast would have been a bit better. We got everything prepared though in plenty of time for our guests arrival!
Aunt Sandy hadn't seen MP2 since Thanksgiving, and while he'd changed a lot, it was clear that he was still content to hang out - as he's always been
Some of our oldest family friends were there to meet MP2 for the first time, and I think CH took quite a liking to MP2, I am putting her in the babysitter rolodex for years to come!
No first birthday is complete without some (very healthy carrot) cake to celebrate...plus a lot of singing. MP2 wasn't quite sure what to make of being the center of attention, but luckily CH was there to help him out.
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