Sunday, June 3, 2012

Living in Fast Forward

Well, nearly two months has passed us by since I last chronicled the goings-on of the Pulles.  I would have updated sooner, but I only just now found the pause button.  Life has been crazy...more than crazy.  I am so happy to find us coming out the other side. After Easter, we had a couple of quiet weeks in CoMO...just playing around the house and park.

Then we had some wonderful family photos taken by the very talented Angelique Hunter (who took our newborn photos back in the day).  Max LOVED Willow the bunny.  It was the hightlight of his month to hold a real live bunny in his lap!

In early May, MP2 and I headed to Nashville leaving MP1 behind to finish up finals.  He joined us after and we spent a week getting our house ready (read: lots and lots and then some more painting) to move back into a couple of weeks later.  Thanks to Nana and Papa for being #1 best MP2-keepers ever. We could not have done everything without them.

Next, was time for the real whirlwind to start.  MPs and I headed back to CoMO on a Wednesday night.  Less than 48 hours later Grandpa, Ama, Teesa, Isla, and Eddie arrived in CoMO to celebrate MPs graduation on Sunday (also Mothers' Day).  (Nana and Papa also came in on Saturday.)  It was quite the celebration.  I love seeing MP2 and Isla together - each time they see each other, I feel like they have more and more fun...and this is only just the beginning.

Then, on Monday, Pulles left and MP headed back to Nashville to get started on bar preparations.  Nana, Papa, MP2 and I stayed behind to pack up our entire house in 3 days and be ready to move out on Thursday morning.  Needless to say it was a busy and emotional week.  We said goodbye to friends and got ready for the next chapter.

On Friday, we moved into our home in Nashville and MP accepted a position with the Tennessee Attorney General's Office...starting work the following Monday!

The past two weeks have found us figuring out our new routine, and our new (old! in built in 1920s AND lived here before) home.  I am just now beginning to feel settled, though we still have a bit of unpacking and organizing to do yet.  While we miss our old routines and our old friends in CoMO, we are so happy to be back home...close to Nana and Papa, as well as other friends and family...and we're working on finding activities to fill our days and meet new friends in our neighborhood.  Stay tuned, and I hope to slow down over this coming summer and not be such a stranger.

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