Tuesday, August 27, 2013

A Few of Our Favorite Things

Man, no one tells you how much life changes for everyone when you go from 2:1 coverage to 1:1.  I suppose when you move to more than two kids you're stuck with a zone defense plan.  We've spent the last 3.5 weeks working to figure out our new normal.  Lucky for me, as usual, I have had lots of help.  Between MP's paternity leave (which we have spread out as an extra day off each week), Nana and Papa spending time hanging out with us, and lots of visits and meals from our wonderful army of dear friends, we've had a great opportunity to bond as a family.  (If by bond, I mean three year old tantrums and meltdowns from sharing attention and a baby who's crying a good 90% of her wakeful, not nursing time...but really, all things considered, we understand this to be pretty normal all around.)

Lest we leave anyone too worried about us...here's evidence to our thriving.  Good thing I don't get the camera out [too often] when tears are involved.

Trains, cars, and legos, OH MY!


The water park

Real live trains

Strange baby faces, or "don't throw that matchbox car at me!"

Less sleep than normal

Baby holding besties

Silly toddler smiles

Shelby Nature Play

Our awesome backyard

Lap naps at the pool

Getting to know us.

Crying photos (though we definitely prefer this silent version!)

And to round it out, our very own country music rain man tells us about his favorite book and song.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Christine! My name is Heather and I have a quick question about your blog! My email is Lifesabanquet1(at)gmail(dot)com :-)
