Well, folks...today finds us at another important milestone. BBP is 37 weeks, aka full term! From here on out, whenever he decides to come out and play we'll be all good to go (though, let's be honest....he really needs to wait at least two weeks so dad can get home and settled in first).
It is just exciting to know that the most important work in there is done, and he's just ripening up now.
I am still feeling pretty good (note: pretty good does actually mean pretty good). I am definitely moving more slowly, and the days of hour long dog walks have gone the way of temperatures that don't feel like a sauna. It's about all I can do to get their two 15 minute walks in each day. They don't seem to mind either, since the heat zaps them almost as fast as it zaps me. I won't complain when MP is back home and on doggie duty...only 11 more days.
Last weekend went by fast thanks to a special guest....it was great to have Emily here. Unfortunately, a recount of our summer trips together over the past few years shows a very disturbing downward trend. Back in the spring of 2008, it all started with an email from hotels.com about special deals in Cabo. A call to Emily, a couple bottles of white wine on my front porch, some comparison flight shopping on expedia, and a desire to find ourselves with fruity drinks in hand and sand between our toes found us booked and ready to go to the Dominican Republic a couple months later. We had a fantastic time - never left our resort, but made friends with the fruity drink bartenders, read about a years worth of trashy magazines, and came back more rested than ever, with the resolve to do something like that each year.
2009 found me in a thrifty phase, I made the request for domestic travel. We went to Seaside, FL. Still a delightful vactation spot, but one to which we could carpool and also have access to our very own kitchen. Knowing we were not going all inclusive again, I definitely needed to BYO tropical frozen concoction fixin's. We had another great trip and vowed again to keep up our annual tradition.
That Emily, she is a trooper. 2010 found us at the neighborhood pool in The Village at Cherry Hill subdivision in hot and landlocked CoMo. I promise, Em, stick with me and in a year (okay, more likely two) I will be a more worthwhile travel companion again...swear!

Regardless, we know how to have a great time wherever we are! We checked out the one and only wine bar (also a wine store) in downtown CoMo, had dinner at my old standby, Sycamore, ice cream at Sparky's, and also fit in some relaxing time on the couch. All in all, it was a really great weekend. I really appreciated having the company, and getting to do some fun stuff that is about to become a lot more difficult to do!
...not to mention, I needed someone to take a belly pic. MP and I forgot when he was home last weekend, so it'd been nearly three weeks. Not sure I am looking much different, other than the fact that I actually fixed my hair and put on makeup, so I am looking much more presentable than in weeks past...but bellywise? Not so much I don't think. In fact, since my appointment last week, I have actually lost two pounds. I really just can't eat much at once and find myself craving things like salad and watermelon because it is just SO hot outside that I can't eat anything too heavy. Hmm, wonder if I will continue to have that "problem" once BBP comes out to play. I wont lie, it would be nice to one day wear pants that do not have an elastic waistband.
I am looking really forward to more visitors this weekend. My last MP-free
and BBP-free weekend in who knows how long will find me hosting Gary and Gill at Chez Pulle. I can't wait to show them around CoMO. For once, I'll be the designated driver, and I won't let anybody forget it...most of the time Gary and I can't go further than walking distance from the house for fear that we won't be able to safely get back again! It's going to be a great time.