#1 - I specifially ordered the dishwasher baskets with orange and green accent colors. Babies R Us sent ones with pink accent colors...the nerve!!
#3 - Why I have a stack of paper* that moves from my desk, to the top of the printer, to the floor several times each week, rather than taking the less than 15 minutes it would take to put it all away!?!?
*said stack is such an embarassment that photo evidence could not be included
I was lamenting over #1 to a friend the other day, and she described a time when she would soak her bibs in OxyClean to get the stains out rather than just letting it go. At some point, she said, she just realized how much time and OxyClean she was using on something that completely did not matter. This makes me laugh, and at the same time, makes me realize this list will not end anytime soon. I am realizing I am going to have to work hard to keep my OCD tendencies in check and realize what's important and what isn't.
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