We were able to relax and have a late dinner together Friday night, but on Saturday morning, we were up and at 'em. He started on mowing the lawn while I headed to Lowe's to pick up supplies to paint the nursery. While I was there, he called to report a wheel failure on the mower, and a very helpful hardware department worker at Lowe's helped me to find just what we needed to fix that puppy up. Imagine our luck killing two birds with one stone!
I finally got home, and we discovered that helpful man from Lowe's didn't know what the &*^% he was talking about since the nuts/bolts/washers he gave us to reattach our lawn mower wheel were just useless - they didn't fit at all! So much for two birds with one stone. MP finished mowing the lawn on three wheels - a feat I am sure you all wish you'd seen.
Saturday afternoon brought us to our second installment of our midwives group childbirth class. MP may complain about this a little bit...but I know that deep down, he loves starting a 2 hr class with a 30 minute relaxation exercise. He can say what he wants, but his snoring sings a different tune. Saturday night found us at dinner with some friends, which was a really nice time.
Sunday morning, we went to tackle the biggest job of all - Nursery...Take 2. I won't go into the details - but suffice to say, there were a few tears, and maaayyyybe a little well deserved silent treatment, but look at the outcome. Since we're no worse for the wear, I'll go ahead and call it a success. I am just in love with the orange! BBP will be a UT fan straight out of the womb, making his maternal grandfather, Papa, very very happy. I also consider the color choice fitting since we found out he was on the way on Halloween last year. Special note - and sorry to MCMH, but notice no bumper. I am not sure if it's the fear of suffocation that caused me to remove it, or the fact that it had elephants all over it and Papa was sure that would make (brainwash???) BBP into a Republican. We can't take that chance!
Thankfully, Sunday, upon finishing up, we were able to head out for some fun at Les Bourgeouis A-frame for a bit and enjoy the afternoon. The rest of the weekend (all 18 hours of it or so) were chore-free and fun-filled. Grilling out, hiking with the dogs at a new park MP discovered, and just enjoying each other's company before he had to head out again on Monday afternoon. I am not going to lie, there were a few more tears...but we're both certainly excited that it's not long before his next visit home.
Here's a belly pic - post hike on Monday, so I am certainly not looking my best...but you get the idea. 34 weeks down, 6 to go. Pretty unbelievable.
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