With MP immersed in the first semester of 2L year, we are trying to make every second count. Oftentimes, this means combining tasks - such as taking the dogs on a hike at Hinkston Creek. It tires them out for the rest of the day, and it's a nice hourlong walk for MP, MP2 and I to get some QT in on a study break.
It's really beautiful there. A large portion of the park, and series of trails, offer off-leash wooded areas where the dogs can play in the water and run and chase little woodland creatures (or each other).
Well, while MP is at law school, MP2 and I are trying to take advantage of the time that I am off from work, spending lots of time hanging out. In between naps and feedings, we have been spending some time outside on a blanket. MP2 seems to really like the fresh air and sounds of the neighborhood. The doglets like this too, as it's another chance for us to do double duty - they get some outside time and can run and play while I am also entertaining baby.

In, what I consider to be, some of the most exciting news of late...the swing is serving a new purpose in our lives most of the time. MP2 is liking just hanging out and swinging in there. It doesn't automatically put him to sleep. In fact, he is seeming to enjoy getting really good naps (and good overnight sleeping) done in his crib! I would like to claim responsibility for this...but really one day I put him there to nap, and he actually slept well...so I have just kept it up. Next up? Hopefully skipping just one nighttime feeding!?!? A girl can dream.

Tipper still pretty much pretends MP2 isn't there (maybe thinking she can wish him away?), but Riley, on the other hand, is getting more curious. She likes to sniff at his feet when we're holding him in our lap, and lately, when he's playing in the baby gym, she'll hang out nearby. Does this mean a friendship is in the cards? Only time will tell.
Here's a typical weekend morning activity for us these days - MP loves spending time reading to MP2. I think that it's great, because as tough as this is to admit...reading to a completely uninterested party isn't my cup of tea, but I know it's so important to start this early. When MP2 has a fantastic vocabulary and is reading above his grade level, we'll all know who to thank!
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