Well, we're still hanging in there. A little sleep deprived? Maybe...but, we know it could be much, much worse. MP2 has always enjoyed his sleeping - though the lack of sleeping pics in my last few posts may have left my many readers wondering. The real reason for the lack of sleep pictures, is that I no longer get to watch the little booger sleeping. He has now successfully been sleeping in his own crib for about the last 6 weeks! He made the transition wonderfully, without missing a beat. In fact, I think it was the first real feedback that following my intuition was working for us. He was so not ready (okay, or maybe I wasn't) for him to be an entire floor away from us all night long when he was first born. Keeping him near us just made more sense to me, and he seemed to like it better also. Now, he loves sleeping in his room at night. Daytime? Well that is a whole other story. One best left untold for now. Still too raw :)
Anyways, what we
are up to these days is LOTS of playtime. The baby gym is about the only place MP2 can play, though he is slowly but surely graduating to the Bumbo, to be seen later in this post.... He has gotten so, so much more interested in the little animals hanging from the gym bars, and loves cooing at himself in the mirror. When placed on his tummy he'll roll on back over to his back, and it even looks like he's starting to learn that he can get from his back to his tummy. He'll pull his legs up and very briefly roll to one side and then back to his back. In reality, I don't want him learning to move anytime soon. He's enough to handle when he's stuck where I left him.

The Bumbo chair helps him with holding up his head. As you can see, it tends to tilt back...but we know he'll eventually get the hang of this!

In recent weeks, MP2 has turned on the drool. It is everywhere. All the time. I swear between that and spit up, I am wondering why we bothered with any onesies that have anything on the front - they will constantly be dirty or covered by a bib. At least we know how cool, hip and witty MP2 is!

Oh, and of course we got to have a visit with Nana and Pappa last weekend. It was so great to see them, even if MP2 tried to make them believe that when I say he's sleeping and we're doing great that I am lying. I don't think he took one good nap, and for the first time since moving to his crib five weeks prior, he had to come to our room in the middle of the night, lest he keep everyone up. Needless to say, Nana and Pappa could have cared less, all they wanted to do was give him hugs and kisses - and the less napping, the more hugging!!!

Why so serious, MP2?

Doing the Heisman (gosh, I hope I spelled that correctly, I am too lazy to check)...

Getting tired of lap photo session, but looking pretty cute nonetheless

Big enough to face front in the Baby Bijorn - which has also not disrupted ability to nap in said carrier.

Loves sitting in my lap and just flirting

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