January was a slow month for blog posts - and my only excuse??? In the depths of winter, we just really haven't been doing too much. It is MUCH too cold to get out unless we have to, and I am too embarrassed to admit on the internet how infrequently I leave the house. Working from home has it's perks!
One thing MP2's been up to over the last month or so is perfecting his sitting abilities...

He's also getting really interested in toys and loves to play.

This new skill has culminated in an ability to ride in the cart at the grocery. Which, in turn, helps me get the shopping done quickly, as MP2 isn't keen on being contained in this seat for very long. In fact, this very trip ended in tears (and my apologies to the cashier checking us out as MP2 was wailing in the cart - they were probably about to call CPS on me if we hadn't gotten out of there quick)

With sitting (basically) mastered, we're now moving on to crawling drills. I think our friends with toddlers and kids of their own may wonder why we would even remotely be pushing this milestone. And, with only a slight glimpse in my mind's eye of what's to come, I am wondering myself. I know life is going to change dramatically when MP2 won't stay in the same spot where we leave him, but even still, it is just such a joy to see him change and grow, that I can't help but spur it along.
He really isn't doing much more than pushing up - though a couple of times he has actually gotten some movement, backwards when he's trying to go forwards, but hey...it's something, right?. So, we can see that in the not so distant future this is going to translate to true mobility

He loves making sounds - raspberries, squealing, etc. Still no belly laughs, but we do get chuckles on a very regular basis.

His two toothies - all the better to eat up all these random veggies I am feeding him (who ever heard of actually eating parsnips?).

I only wish this onesie read, "My dad can run faster than your dad" Not that I don't think MP is strong!! But we all know he could take most folks in a race! :)

MP took this one, and I just think MP2 looks super handsome.

Oh, the one time we have braved the snow and cold, it was to visit our friends and neighbors across the street. Ethan's got a few months on Max, and while someday it won't matter, it still really shows. Good thing he's such a sweet boy and showing MP2 the ropes on sharing toys!

MP commonly refers to this bunch as "the silent partners". Genius, I tell you.

So, hopefully February will find us on some more adventures (and I'll be able to keep up with documenting them).
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