What happened to that quiet little baby that we had a just a few weeks ago? These days MP2 does not stop babbling, squealing, smiling, rocking, jump-a-roo-jumping, kicking, ...well you get the picture.
Here is his new smile...his whole face crinkles up and looks just ridiculously adorable.

Still only the two teeth, they both came right in and now we've seen no more action. Maybe he'll get some top ones someday. What's the rush, anyways!?!?
We think crawling is on the horizon. MP2 just hangs out forever on his tummy nowadays. He pushes up and rocks, but doesn't really get much motion (and when he does it's the wrong direction...backwards!) but you can just see he's trying to figure that all out.

Little Riley is his BFF. I can leave him on the floor and walk away for a minute and when I come back, Riley's come to find him and keep an eye on him for me. He loves to "pet" her, and she never runs away from him. It's really sweet.

Here, I had put him on the blanket about 6 feet to the left in this picture, and when I came back this is what I found (I swear, it's not like I was gone long)

MP and I went out to eat on Sunday and had MP2 in his ever smaller infant carseat bucket, and he was just craning his neck to look around and see what was going on, so we requested a highchair. MP2
loved it. He could see all the goings on (he only squealed about 9 times....I think dinners out as a family are not long for this world - unless we're going to Chick-fil-A or something!)

Solids are still going great - we've introduced lots of veggies (sweet potatoes, winter and summer squashes, green beans, peas, carrots, parsnips, avocados etc) and now finally a couple fruits (bananas and pears). Coming up next are some meats and grains. Hope he keeps this attitude about eating for a long long time :)
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