There was a time, not too many months ago, when the dogs had no idea what lie (lay, laid,???) in store for them. They were on the two walk/day, many trips to the yard, fetch in the house, snuggles on the get the idea...plan. Then suddenly, in the very early hours one July morning, when they'd been locked in doggy depot all night long, they heard the cries of a MP2. Life has never been the same.
In the early weeks, they were really good. Never have they shown one bit of aggression, or even any frustration really, towards MP2. Rather, they just looked at life with a despondent air about them. Heads hung low, chins tucked...they just totally lost the spring in their steps. Matt really has done a great job, in the warmer weather taking them to many of the CoMO area dog parks, lots of walks, lots of playtime outside...but still, they knew. Whenever guests came, no longer were they handing out doggie pats on the head as they came in the door. Instead, everyone wanted to look at that little wrapped up bundle that never did anything.
Well, times are changing around here (thankfully). MP2 is getting a lot more interactive with us...and with the doglets. He watches them and coos at them, and they just gaze at him quizzingly. Until the past week or so, and now, they seem interested in him too...

3/5 Pulles

And, because we DO still love them. Here's a cute picture of just the two of them

Now, back to the main attraction. Here are a few pictures just showing off how cute MP2 is getting.

Okay, he looks a little confused here, but still cute, right?

Reaching for everything these days - even the camera when I am trying to take pictures...

I wish I could blow this one up so you all could see the TOOTH (!!!) that made an appearance just two days shy of his five month birthday (and, coincidentally, may take the next five freaking months to grow in - are they all this dang slow?!?!)

Finally, see how close we are to sitting??? He can sit unassisted, but not unattended. After a few seconds, he begins to list and then, if we're not careful, a face plant can ensue. Getting closer though!
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