One of the best times to catch MP2's winning smiles is right after naps. He usually wakes up crying, but the minute one of us goes in to greet him, opens the blinds, and unswaddles him...he flashes those, I mean that gummy grin.

Then, come playtime, it's all about the serious MP2. He's become so much more intent and focused on things lately. He's showing more and more interest in his surroundings.

Looking out the window.

Playing with his new favorite guitar rattle (thanks, Jessica!!!)

Sitting up, or at least trying to. Even with the boppy, he tumbles off to the side after a short time. But, not before reaching out for his favorite toys around him.

The baby gym is still one of his favorite places to pass the time.

On one of many walks at the leash-free nature trail near our house. MP loves taking MP2 and the dogs during his MP2 duty. The dogs get tired out, and MP2 gets lots of fresh air.
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