Aaahhhh, second favorite holiday. This year found us traveling to Nashville for the week. We had a crazy scheme that if we left around MP2's bedtime (6pm), that we'd arrive in Nashville around 12:30am or so. This sure seemed like a good idea at the time - rather than MP2 having to sleep the day away in the car as we drove, we'd be traveling at a time when he's typically asleep. He did really well, we really only had one long stop to feed him (and eat ourselves). But the weather didn't cooperate - it was maybe the foggiest night ever. We didn't arrive at Nana and Papa's until about 2am. It was pretty brutal, but also quickly forgotten.
MP2 got to hang with the Hamiter clan several times. You can see how much he loves them.

We housesat for part of the week for the Hollemans. Two adults, one baby, two cats, and four dogs makes a full house! We appreciated the extra space - and MP needed the quiet time to study while MP2 and I were out and about. MP2 is really enjoying seeing the world from an upright vantage point. He's getting closer and closer to propping himself up in a semi seated position, but in the meantime, strapped into a booster seat is the way to go.

We had a great Thanksgiving - though unfortunately lacking in many pictures. Luckily, we were able to get a few.

Total turkey coma...oh, wait. MP2 doesn't even eat turkey.

It was unseasonably warm for most of the week, but on Friday temperatures dropped. This didn't stop us from a fun trip to the Dragon Park. It was pretty cool to take MP2 to "play" at a place I spent a lot of time as a child. I look forward to spending time here as he grows. (and I think his Nana and Papa look forward to the same.

Nana and Papa can't get enough of MP2 :)

This is one big dragon.

Bbbbbrrrr, it's cold. But I am still having fun!
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