Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Be Mine

Happy belated Valentines Day!

Where's my quiet baby?

What happened to that quiet little baby that we had a just a few weeks ago? These days MP2 does not stop babbling, squealing, smiling, rocking, jump-a-roo-jumping, kicking, ...well you get the picture.

Here is his new smile...his whole face crinkles up and looks just ridiculously adorable.

Still only the two teeth, they both came right in and now we've seen no more action. Maybe he'll get some top ones someday. What's the rush, anyways!?!?

We think crawling is on the horizon. MP2 just hangs out forever on his tummy nowadays. He pushes up and rocks, but doesn't really get much motion (and when he does it's the wrong direction...backwards!) but you can just see he's trying to figure that all out.
Little Riley is his BFF. I can leave him on the floor and walk away for a minute and when I come back, Riley's come to find him and keep an eye on him for me. He loves to "pet" her, and she never runs away from him. It's really sweet.
Here, I had put him on the blanket about 6 feet to the left in this picture, and when I came back this is what I found (I swear, it's not like I was gone long)

MP and I went out to eat on Sunday and had MP2 in his ever smaller infant carseat bucket, and he was just craning his neck to look around and see what was going on, so we requested a highchair. MP2 loved it. He could see all the goings on (he only squealed about 9 times....I think dinners out as a family are not long for this world - unless we're going to Chick-fil-A or something!)
Solids are still going great - we've introduced lots of veggies (sweet potatoes, winter and summer squashes, green beans, peas, carrots, parsnips, avocados etc) and now finally a couple fruits (bananas and pears). Coming up next are some meats and grains. Hope he keeps this attitude about eating for a long long time :)

Flying Solo

It's been said that all stories can boil down to two themes - "a stranger comes to town" or "a man takes a journey". This story is definitely the latter...and what a journey it was!

It all began back in December, with an innocuous email. One of my best friends from college, to three others of us, mentioning a husband's weekend away and what a fun time it would be to have one of us come to have a kids weekend at her house. Two of the three of us were takers...and thus was the beginning of a weekend with four kids under four, in February, in Rhode Island (WTH?!?!?!).

So, very early in the morning, MP2 and I set off from CoMO...on a week of good solid sleeping from bedtime to 3:30 or 4:00 am each day! We drove to St Louis, flew to Detroit, then to Boston, then rented a car and drove to Little Compton. Unfortunately, our plans to share a rental car were foiled by winter weather in Houston, creating flight delays extraordinaire. Regardless, MP2 was a trooper on the trip. He did just great in the car, at the airport and on the plane. I felt like super mom keeping him on his nursing and solids schedule that requires him to eat every 90 minutes or so, and we landed in Boston smiling.

MP2 found lots of fun new things at the Hollands' dolls
...and MUM MUMs! (He only got one since I am crazy and when I read the ingredients and saw they were not just rice cakes!!! I couldn't take it...and Whitney just had to laugh at me. He sure did like it though :))
Avery was SO sweet to the little ones. OH2 took the cake as the littlest baby, but she had a lot of fun with MP2 as well.
(and MP2 loved Avery's tutu)
I wanted to get a shot of Alex - here he is kissing MP2, but as was Alex's MO all weekend, he does not stop moving long enough to get a focused picture. That little guy is on-the-go. At one year older than MP2, he showed me what I have to look forward to this time next year!
It was such a great time. All of us were totally on board with the low-key, flexible, kid-friendly weekend. And it was a good thing, since on day 1 we tried to leave the house, and by the time we had all eaten dressed napped fed changed etc, it was 3:30....then when we loaded our four children three strollers and one dog into two cars, it began to rain. All we could do was laugh and plan to try again the next day. Luckily, Sunday was sunny and unseasonably warm, and we enjoyed a great walk near the beach. (Clearly unseasonably warm is not actually warm)
Look at these cuties. (Why so serious baby Max?!?!)

It was such a great great weekend, and I hope that we will be invited back (and that MP2 will sleep more soundly the next time!)

For more takes on our fun, check out Whitney and Jessica's blog posts.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Snowmageddon 2011

My goodness. No one told me about the midwest - hot hot hot summers, and cold cold cold winters. Best of both worlds (HA!). Regardless, I have gotten to enjoy more snow over this past winter than ever in my life - and those who know me best know how much I LOVE the winter. Right.

Anyways, here are a few pics from the latest snowfall...a blizzard dropping 20 inches in CoMO. 20 joke. The high tomorrow? 9. Yep. Nine. ...and the low? -8 with windchills of -20. Fun times. So, you can understand why all of these photos were taken through my windows as I stayed toasty warm inside. Thank goodness it's MP's job to be on doglet duty.

PS - he's pretty skilled at snow shoveling as well...who knew.

No News is Good News

January was a slow month for blog posts - and my only excuse??? In the depths of winter, we just really haven't been doing too much. It is MUCH too cold to get out unless we have to, and I am too embarrassed to admit on the internet how infrequently I leave the house. Working from home has it's perks!

One thing MP2's been up to over the last month or so is perfecting his sitting abilities...

He's also getting really interested in toys and loves to play.

This new skill has culminated in an ability to ride in the cart at the grocery. Which, in turn, helps me get the shopping done quickly, as MP2 isn't keen on being contained in this seat for very long. In fact, this very trip ended in tears (and my apologies to the cashier checking us out as MP2 was wailing in the cart - they were probably about to call CPS on me if we hadn't gotten out of there quick)
With sitting (basically) mastered, we're now moving on to crawling drills. I think our friends with toddlers and kids of their own may wonder why we would even remotely be pushing this milestone. And, with only a slight glimpse in my mind's eye of what's to come, I am wondering myself. I know life is going to change dramatically when MP2 won't stay in the same spot where we leave him, but even still, it is just such a joy to see him change and grow, that I can't help but spur it along.

He really isn't doing much more than pushing up - though a couple of times he has actually gotten some movement, backwards when he's trying to go forwards, but's something, right?. So, we can see that in the not so distant future this is going to translate to true mobility

He loves making sounds - raspberries, squealing, etc. Still no belly laughs, but we do get chuckles on a very regular basis.
His two toothies - all the better to eat up all these random veggies I am feeding him (who ever heard of actually eating parsnips?).
I only wish this onesie read, "My dad can run faster than your dad" Not that I don't think MP is strong!! But we all know he could take most folks in a race! :)
MP took this one, and I just think MP2 looks super handsome.
Oh, the one time we have braved the snow and cold, it was to visit our friends and neighbors across the street. Ethan's got a few months on Max, and while someday it won't matter, it still really shows. Good thing he's such a sweet boy and showing MP2 the ropes on sharing toys!

MP commonly refers to this bunch as "the silent partners". Genius, I tell you.
So, hopefully February will find us on some more adventures (and I'll be able to keep up with documenting them).