Sunday, November 27, 2011

Breaking News

As reported by MP over the FaceBook:
"ESPN is reporting that Max Pulle has suffered a low-ankle sprain after a morning sliding accident at the Dublin Park Playground in Columbia, Mo. Max, who hasn't skipped a day of hard-core playtime since learning how to walk in mid-August, is expected to miss one-to-two days of walking, shuffling from side to side, crib climbing, straddling and pushing his walker. His mom has told sources that the young Pulle will also miss all playground activity for the next week. Although Max is uneasy on his feet and can't support his full weight, his vocal abilities and his capacity to communicate discomfort remain at full strength."


In related news and happier times, events leading up to the injury...

Hoping for a speedy recovery for our sweet MP2.

Friday, November 25, 2011

Small Town Saturday

I realize that all other bloggers in the universe have already posted the "what I am thankful for" Thanksgiving post, and I am weeks behind, without further ado.  It's been a delightful fall and we've hit a really nice groove.  I love a routine, and we have finally been home, with no travel, long enough to figure that out. 

Last weekend we took MP2 to what MP hopes will be the first of many college football games.  MU took on my alma mater, Texas Tech.  It was an afternoon game, and we arrived towards the end of the second quarter.  MP2 seemed to really enjoy the game, all the people, the activity, and he hung in there really well.  We left a close game at the end of the third quarter and by the time we got to the car, drove home and turned on the TV, MU had taken the lead and we got to catch the end of the game from the comfort of our couch.  I think MP and I are also doing a much better job of knowing MP2's (and our) limits when it comes to outings and have adjusted our expectations accordingly. 

A few shots from the general admission end zone:

The next morning we went on our most classy family outing yet - to Bass Pro Shop - for our FREE picture with Santa (clearly I am a sucker for a deal).  While we were there, MP found what he wants for Christmas!
...a cammo recliner!  With a corded remote control...fancy.

Then, the main attraction - St. Nick himself.  So far, we haven't really had any stranger anxiety issues with MP2.  In fact, you may call it the opposite - at parks or the mall, he will run up to strangers and hug them, and then cry if we try to make him stop and come back to us.  So, we weren't too worried that Santa was going to scare him.  I think all the hubub around Santa made him a teensy bit nervous, then, with no introduction we plop him down on Santa's lap and start to walk away.  There were no tears, but there were no smiles either (not that he hams it up for the camera on a good day!)...and he was ready to come back to us after the photos were snapped.  
Leaving Bass Pro, checking out Santa's ride parked out front...
Hopefully I will pull together a Thanksgiving update prior to Christmas...but in the meantime.  What am I most thankful for?  Well, the MPs, of course.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Halloweenie, Part Deux

Well, it seems that holidays like Halloween only get more and more fun with a little one around.  We had a great time with MP2 this year, and he doesn't even realize that Halloween is all about candy (yet...I know the time will come).

We attended the same downtown trick-or-treating event as last year and had even more fun.  MP2 loved just walking around and looking at all of the other kids in costume.  He also loved the dinosaur/dragon (he was called both, and we're not too certain that he looked more like one than the other - luckily, they both say "ROAR!!" which is on MP2's short vocab list)

It's a bird, it's a plane!  Oh, wait - really pointing at nothing makes MP2 smile.

Heading back to the car on MP's shoulders - if we'd waited for MP2 to get there on his own, we'd still be walking...he's not breaking any land speed records (not yet, anyway :))
Between Halloweenie on Friday evening, and the actual day of Halloween, MP2 enjoyed sporting the dino-dragon jacket around, getting good use out of something that otherwise would have been worn less than 3 hours total.  We were skyping with the Pulles and wanted to show off the costume, and when we tried to take it off, MP2 started crying.  And, yes, that is a plastic measuring cup.  I promise he has lots of toys, but we spend a LOT of time hanging out in the kitchen. 

More kitchen time, getting ready to go out pseudo-trick or treating.  We decided to just drop by a few neighbors' houses and show off our little reptile, and then come home and hand out candy.  Again, MP2 was super interested in seeing the bigger kids, and he loved running around outside in his costume. 
Here are the obligatory shots with MP and I

MP2's BFF, also known as the Farmer in the Dell.  We're making some progress here - we got them both to look at the camera.  Next, will be trying to get them to look and smile...a tall order!
Who needs candy when we can play with toy trains??

We really had fun, and I am so excited for the coming holiday season.  Seeing MP2 growing and changing and enjoying all of these experiences is more fun than I ever would have imagined.