Sunday, December 7, 2014

The Past Four Months, Part 1 of ?

Each day that passes, it's harder to think about going back in the recesses of my mind to find thoughts from the past four months.  So much happens in one third of a year in the life of two little ones.  It's my goal to end 2014 up to date, and keep it up in 2015.  I love looking back from time to time at our shenanigans with MP2 over the years, and I want to keep it up for NC as well.

That said, let's pick up where we left off...NC was turning one!  

Look at the little chunk waking up on birthday morning!  

 Sweet siblings..
 Thank goodness for a brother to "help" you with your gifts :)

 Getting ready for cake!
 With cousin Jen and Aunt Sandy!

Our next big milestone came with MP2 starting PreK.  Four and a half days per week, he spends in a school, with two teachers and 17 friends.  My excitement (and trepidation) were palpable on the day we started.  I was so proud of sending my big boy off to school and wondering if the jump from five hours, two days per week to almost full time school (8:15-2:30/3:00) was going to be okay.  Lucky for you, my being behind on blogging will save you the suspense.  It's been GREAT.  We love Ross Early Learning Center (one of Nashville Public Schools' three new play-based curriculum preK centers opening this school year).  It's been a delight to see MP2 grow and change there.
 In front of the door.
 Walking into Ms. Tabitha & Ms. Dale's room 4
 Ice Cream after school!

A short first installment - we must ease into these things, right?  Look soon for late summer, big family trip and fall updates!