Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Twas the Night Before Christmas...

...and all through the house, not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse. Oh, wait. That must not've been the Pulle Palace. MP2 decided that he wanted to see Santa on his very first Christmas - so, he waited up all night long. Luckily, Santa managed to sneak in when he wasn't looking.

For a <6 month old baby, MP2 sure raked in the gifts...he beat all the rest of us - combined.

I have to say, that even seeing him this year - his first Christmas, gave me a mini-little-teeny-tiny glance of the joy I am going to find in future years as he opens up all of Santa's gifts. It was so neat, he really did seem interested in all the packages, bows, and toys (once they were all unwrapped)
We spent much of the day playing with the loot...it was fantastic.

Bonus material: MP2 just looking super extra cute :)

Merry Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve Eve found Nana and Papa arriving in CoMO to celebrate MP2's first Christmas. It was so much fun to wake up to find...

Oh, do you think it still looks dark outside?!? That must've been since we were all up before the crack of dawn. Luckily, Papa loves to hang with the MP2 no matter the time of day.
The snowfall looked beautiful...until we let the dogs outside.
It was one of those great snow days where the air doesn't feel too cold, even though there is snow everywhere. So...we all bundled up, and after a kiss from Nana, headed out for a walk with the doglets over to the neighborhood park.
Nana and Papa enjoyed carrying the MP2 close...

While MP enjoyed throwing him up in the air!

MP2 hung out by a tree (good thing he can sit up these days :))

And then we got a winter family photo...

During MP2's afternoon nap MP and I built SnoZou. We realized we were all out of charcoal and struggled with what we could use for his eyes....we finally went with mushrooms, and it looks pretty odd in retrospect...

Evening hours found us playing with Nemo,
...and waiting for Santa

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Signal for Santa

If Santa's ever going to find us, we needed to get our Christmas tree up and decorated. Finals or not! (As you can imagine, in the middle of two weeks of finals, this was not the top of MP1's priority list, but kudos to him for making time for a fun family event)

We headed to Starr Pines in Booneville, MO. It's a tree farm where you can chop down your own Christmas tree. Last year, we went on maybe the coldest day of the entire year and therefore opted for a pre-cut tree. (As an aside, it was so cold that when we stood up the tree that was leaning against the barn, to look for nice branch arrangement, etc...the branches were frozen in place and wouldn't drop...but that's old news). This year, I was ready to see MP1's handiwork with a saw. As we pulled up on Saturday, the wind began to howl and rain began to fall. I think the temperature dropped 20 degrees while we were there. So, a precut tree it was. A beautiful one no less.

Here are MP1 and MP2 in the barn waiting for our tree to get trimmed up and bagged.Unfortunately, they don't tie the tree to your car for you at Starr Pines...and neither MP1 nor I should get a job next Christmas doing this. As you can see, we weren't sure we were going to make it home with our tree. Here we are driving down the state highway back to our house...that's the view out the back passenger window of the car. Fun times.

All's well that ends well, though. We got it in and decorated in no time flat. Too bad I'd already ordered our Holiday cards, this would have been a great shot!

Oh, and good thing we didn't wait until today to go out. Last night, it began to snow, and this was what we woke to this morning. Note, I am photographing out the window, so the screen hinders the view somewhat - but it was far too cold for me to even go outside today!

Hope everyone out there's staying warm!

Man's Best Friend

There was a time, not too many months ago, when the dogs had no idea what lie (lay, laid,???) in store for them. They were on the two walk/day, many trips to the yard, fetch in the house, snuggles on the bed...you get the idea...plan. Then suddenly, in the very early hours one July morning, when they'd been locked in doggy depot all night long, they heard the cries of a MP2. Life has never been the same.

In the early weeks, they were really good. Never have they shown one bit of aggression, or even any frustration really, towards MP2. Rather, they just looked at life with a despondent air about them. Heads hung low, chins tucked...they just totally lost the spring in their steps. Matt really has done a great job, in the warmer weather taking them to many of the CoMO area dog parks, lots of walks, lots of playtime outside...but still, they knew. Whenever guests came, no longer were they handing out doggie pats on the head as they came in the door. Instead, everyone wanted to look at that little wrapped up bundle that never did anything.

Well, times are changing around here (thankfully). MP2 is getting a lot more interactive with us...and with the doglets. He watches them and coos at them, and they just gaze at him quizzingly. Until the past week or so, and now, they seem interested in him too...


3/5 Pulles
And, because we DO still love them. Here's a cute picture of just the two of them
Now, back to the main attraction. Here are a few pictures just showing off how cute MP2 is getting.
Okay, he looks a little confused here, but still cute, right?
Reaching for everything these days - even the camera when I am trying to take pictures...
I wish I could blow this one up so you all could see the TOOTH (!!!) that made an appearance just two days shy of his five month birthday (and, coincidentally, may take the next five freaking months to grow in - are they all this dang slow?!?!)
Finally, see how close we are to sitting??? He can sit unassisted, but not unattended. After a few seconds, he begins to list and then, if we're not careful, a face plant can ensue. Getting closer though!

Big Shiny Things

Perhaps this post should be titled "Big Plastic Things" since what we're talking about here is a giant exersaucer. I didn't want to be that person, you know the one who has every gadget imaginable to entertain baby? (...and hopefully, we've been able to show some level of restraint) I also really didn't want a million giant plastic monstrosities filling up our living room, but MP2 has reached a point of malcontent laying around on his back all day looking at the same four activity mat animals hanging there. Unfortunately for him, he's also not quite mastered sitting up on his own yet, and we have an open floorplan which doesn't leave lots of doorways for us to hang his jumper in areas at home where we typically hang out.

Nothing a trip to babiesrus.com couldn't cure. A few short days, and our exersaucer was here. I just knew MP2 was going to love love love it. Even still, I couldn't imagine how much...

As soon as I got it together and put him in there, he was cooing, and kept turning around and touching all the different toys. It was so funny, like he could barely contain himself.
Here are some more pictures of him over the last week playing. [Note: I promise, he's not spending all his waking hours in here or anything...]
All smiles in the saucer.
Loves it even when he's a sleepy bear.
This picture is simply to show an unfortunate hair development. Since birth, one of the first comments (by friends or strangers) upon meeting MP2 is about his abundant head of hair. I feel like I am living a lie. We've continued to post full front photos of the Baby Max, where he looks 100% normal. Here, we have a rare side view where all of my three readers can see the truth. His hair has totally fallen out on the sides and the back. He's got a reverse mullet - party is on the top, business is in the back. It's somewhat unfortunate, and hopefully short lived.

(Special Note: If my friend Jess is reading, I hope you see the panda rattle in the picture above - that is also one of MP2's favorite toys - though I had to cut the eyes off of him due to choking hazard ;-))
I love pork too, MP2.

Hopefully, MP2 can enjoy this puppy for months to come before we are able to pass it on, and I get my living room floor back.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

MP2 Meets Santa

I believe this speaks for itself...

Toys for Tots

One of the best times to catch MP2's winning smiles is right after naps. He usually wakes up crying, but the minute one of us goes in to greet him, opens the blinds, and unswaddles him...he flashes those pearly...um, I mean that gummy grin.

Then, come playtime, it's all about the serious MP2. He's become so much more intent and focused on things lately. He's showing more and more interest in his surroundings.

Looking out the window.
Playing with his new favorite guitar rattle (thanks, Jessica!!!)

Sitting up, or at least trying to. Even with the boppy, he tumbles off to the side after a short time. But, not before reaching out for his favorite toys around him.
The baby gym is still one of his favorite places to pass the time.

On one of many walks at the leash-free nature trail near our house. MP loves taking MP2 and the dogs during his MP2 duty. The dogs get tired out, and MP2 gets lots of fresh air.