Wednesday, October 12, 2011


may be all we've been hearing on the blogsphere, but don't worry (!), we're alive and well in CoMO.  The main reason for lack of blogging comes down to a lack of photographic opportunities.  We've got a phase on our hands where the minute the camera/phone comes out, there will be not one iota of eye contact between the photographer and MP2.  He will look every which way but up.  Oh, so you say just have one of us hold him and then surely we can capture that beaming smile?  Well, that would be a great idea if he didn't turn into a slithering eel the second you pick him up.

All that aside, we still find him super cute and photogenic (and pot-bellied).

A rare view of MP2's face!  He does love showing off MP's medals after a race.  I felt this had to be included simply to prove that now and then he MAY actually look at us.

Still loves to swing.  What?!?  This expression is not one of delight?

Getting better at playing on the playground.

The walking toys...nothing brings such joy to our lives.
Better than last year.  But still not the photo shoot I had in mind.  Thankfully, it's only mid-October, so there is still time!
Loves playing outside.

After nearly two solid months of walking under his belt, MP2 rarely crawls anymore and while he looks slightly like a drunk Frankenstein, he can get around without too many falls.  The funniest thing ever (well, to MP and I) is when he gets some momentum and starts moving too fast to be able to keep up with himself. 

On the talking front...yeah, not so much.  He consistently says DaDaDaDa, and has uttered the coveted MaMaMaMa like twice.  He also says Uh-Oh, though he says it when there's nothing uh-oh in sight.  Well, and he babbles, constantly (kind of like me, MP may tell you).  We're looking forward to knowing what's going on in that little noggin of his one of these days.  At least we know he understands lots of words.  He responds to simple commands and can identify lots of things (his lovie, the dogs, trees, outside, highchair, milk, and more) - unfortunately nose and mouth are somewhat interchangeable (but he's got foot down pat)!

We've been having a great fall - lots of time outside at home, swimming, playing at the park, and twice weekly Mothers' Morning Out sessions. It's been so nice to get into a routine back at home after all our time on the road in August and September.