An ode to lack of motion...
Getting up on all fours is old hat. Then, as he's trying to reach for the toy that MP placed just out of reach, instead of getting closer, he's getting further away - and we all realize....he's moving backwards!

Otherwise, he just rocks back and forth until he gets the momentum to lunge.

Rolling will get him there when crawling won't do the trick.

...and I realize that as he becomes mobile, life is going to be fraught with dangers. If there is a sharp corner, or tiny shard of paper/plastic/dog hair/what-have-you. MP2 can suddenly move like greased lightening. It's an amazing thing to see.

I think MP said about six weeks ago that MP2 would be crawling within a week. He is a tricky little guy - it looks like it is so close...but hopefully it is still far away (we still have to childproof!)
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