Party's over...and we're none too happy about it over here!! Yep, next week I will be heading back to work. I guess complaints are not really in order, considering I am going to start back half-time for several months
and I work from a home office, so it's not like I have to worry that I wouldn't fit into a
single pair of pre-pregnancy work pants. But still, gone are our leisurely know, the ones where I feed Max every three hours, try to get him to nap, and try to get household errands/chores done in between...yep, those relaxing times are o-v-e-r. We'll now be fitting all of that stuff in, plus 20+ hours of working. Man oh man. Personally, I think that MP is looking forward to all of his bonding daddy/baby time. If I were guessing, he may think I have been hogging MP2 all to myself! ;-)

We have certainly been packing in our share of fun while the weather was still warm. Last weekend found us hosting Nana & Papa, as well as checking out the MU homecoming festivities and host of ESPN College Gameday. Who knew what a big deal that was??

Mizzou actually set the attendance record for the college gameday show, and then went on to win the homecoming game against #1 ranked OU. MP and Papa witnessed the whole thing. There was bedlam in the streets of CoMO. It culminated in the goal post from the field being paraded down the main drag in downtown Columbia. I only heard about all of this secondhand, MP2, Nana, and I were hanging out at home during the game, as it was past MP2's bedtime. He did sport his team colors all day on Saturday though!

Over the rest of the weekend, while MP was studing, MP2, Nana, Papa and I hung out around town. Ice cream at Sparky's (none for MP2)

and a visit to Shelter Gardens were both on the agenda.

As you can see, Nana and Papa can hardly get enough of this little booger.

The rest of this week was spent doing some of our normal fun activities...I took MP2 out in the jogging stroller for his first run. You can see he appreciates my attempts to be fit. I struggled through a 4 mile run, and he napped pretty much the whole way.

He hung out in the bumbo...checking out his clown face rattle.

Learned to hop in the Jump-A-Roo...

Had a few fun baths

and hung out on the porch watching the dogs playing in the yard.

Now...we're all geared up for our first Halloween. In fact, this afternoon we'll be heading downtown to "Halloweenie" (trick or treating at the downtown shops). I'll leave you all on pins and needles wondering what MP2's costume is....stay tuned!
Love the Yazoo growler! Little MP2 sure is a cutie! I vaguely remember the goal post craziness from my days at Stephens.
ReplyDeleteThanks, Jane!! ...and if only we could get the goods to fill up those growlers here in CoMO. Who's in charge of marketing over there anyways?!?!? ;-)