Sunday, July 18, 2010

Getting Our Sea Legs

We've survived week one of parenthood - mostly unscathed. Really, we don't have any complaints. Max has been a delightful baby. We realize we are still in the honeymoon period where he's making us fall completely in love (done.) before he may get more difficult. I am feeling a mixture of cautious optimism tempered by waiting for the other shoe to drop.

The week has been filled with lots of love, joy, downtime, and many firsts. Here's Max with us at two days old - our first family photo. I think this may be the first picture (post unpublishable birth pictures) of Max and I.

Following in his Daddy's footsteps, Max is already rooting for the Yankees. In fact, when we found out we were pregnant with Max was on Halloween night, and MP was watching the Yankees play in the world series. I think he was irritated that I called him into our room, interrupting the game. Though as soon as I shared the news, he forgot all about it...well at least he acted like he had. Max can't wait to see them play someday (once he can stay awake for more than a half hour at a time).

We pretty much can't stand to put Max down during this first week. He's pretty into snuggling up with us. (Note: Please do not call CPS...while it looks like I am asleep in this photo, I am not.)

Admittedly, there is not much to chronicle right now, other than some super cute sleeping positions such as the one below. This is likely boring to my three blog readers, but I love taking these pictures, so until he starts doing something, this is what y'all are going to get. :)

See, he does wake up sometimes.

And, I think this gorgeous head of hair may be beginning to thin out. We love it, and wonder how long he'll keep some of it and/or how long he'll be bald after it goes.

More of not putting him down...ever. Thank goodness all these books say you can't spoil a brand new our house, it's not for a lack of trying!

Nana and Papa got to come in on Max's birthday. Papa stayed until Monday, and then had to head home, but we've gotten to keep Nana here. She'll be heading home in a few days, and we're not sure what we're going to do without the Max Silencer (she's sure got the magic touch with him) and the extra pair of hands to help in the kitchen, with laundry, errands, and anything else that needs doing that we can't get to. We are so fortunate to have family available to help us. It's really been a lifesaver. I think Nana has certainly enjoyed the time with Max as well.

We also had our first outing on day five. We went to the farmers market - one of my favorite places. It was pretty hot, so we didn't stay long. We got what we needed though.

Since things went so well at the market, we followed up with a trip to Flat Branch. Again, we didn't stay too long...but we had fun showing our little man off around town.

Here's the Max Silencer in action - Part one requires lots of rocking

Part two result is a sleeping baby.

This is just a morning sleeping picture that I can't help but include - since I haven't put enough pictures of Max sleeping in this post :)

So, you can see we're surviving...even thriving. I can't lie and say we haven't had some fussy evenings, or we haven't tried to overdo it a little bit getting out and about. Slowly but surely, we're learning our limits (and Max's) and adjusting to (and getting immense enjoyment from) this whole new world.

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