Saturday, July 31, 2010

Waking Up!

Well, there is good news and bad news. The good news is that first thing in the morning (or after a little rest), MP2's baby acne looks better and gives us hope for the day that it will be no longer. The bad news, as soon as he gets upset about something, it's like someone turned on pimples. I am not going to lie...I still think he's insanely cute. We're not going to send him back or anything.

Max still has a #1 favorite activity...and he looks super cute doing it!

Sometimes MP joins him. Even though I know I should as well, I find it difficult to relax during the day. When MP2 takes a nap, I want to be able to get a few uninterruped moments on the internet or else do a chore or two.

We have always thought that MP2 is pretty alert for a newborn (I am sure all parents think things like this about their kiddos as least we're normal :)), but in his third week of life on the outside, I really feel like he's becoming so interactive.

He's looking right at us,

...about ready to start bench pressing (I think we'll start with a rattle),

...he's doing some cooing,
...and giving us great facial expressions!
I really think his favorite thing is bathtime. We have only taken two more baths this week (and only one involved soap). One of them was actually just to pass the time with an activity that would keep him awake before his newborn photos were taken on Friday morning (which came out so great!!)

On Friday afternoon, Grandma Franma and Grandpa Grand-Dan arrived from Connecticut to meet MP2. Here is Franma first seeing MP2. They both fell in love immediately (as evidenced below)

We've had a great visit so far, and they will be in town for a few more days yet. In addition to getting to know MP2, they are also taking really good care of MP and I. Franma has done so much grocery shopping, cooking, and helping with chores around the house that I am not sure I will be able to let her leave on Tuesday!
We love that MP2 has been able to spend so much time with so much of his extended family and friends already. We're looking foward to welcoming his aunt and uncle next weekend!

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