Saturday, July 24, 2010

Max's Second Week

Well, week two with Max has been as wonderful as week one was. We were fortunate enough to have Nana here until this past Wednesday, and on the same day as her departure was Margaret's arrival. It's continued to be great having extra hands around the house - whether to hold Max, cook a meal, help me with chores, etc. Starting today though, we are officially on our own. Hopefully we won't screw up too badly. Just in case, we have Grandma and Grandpa arriving next weekend for a visit (and if needed, bailout!).

We feel like we're seeing Max's personality develop more and more every day. He's still eating really well - we are eager to visit both the midwife and the doctor this week to have him all checked out and insure he's gaining weight, etc. He is sleeping really well. He wakes up twice each night, and is a great sleeper in between. We all feel pretty well rested considering.

In other news, we had a very unfortunate development during week two. One mad case of baby acne on our hands...

We're hopeful it will be short lived, and we start every day optimistic that it's "not as bad" as yesterday. Then each day ends finding us wondering what we'd been thinking that morning. Since we're already completely in love with the little man, a few pimples don't bother us. Just don't look for any birth announcements in your mailbox anytime soon.

To make up for the picture above, here are a few super cute pics of Max engaged in his very favorite activity...

He is one cute little bear. Don't think that Max is the only one getting his naps in. MP likes to double up on baby duty and catch some zzzz's at the same time. He is just efficient that way!

The other thing we learned about this week was that the swing is pretty fun. At first, Max wasn't sure what this thing was...

...but quickly discovered the comforts of rocking and nature sounds. (Thanks to Hil for letting us borrow this puppy. It's certainly given us a bit more free time, and I can actually check email at least once each day!)

We've also been spending some QT in the nursery. We have play time and some naps in the crib.

MP is especially good at working with MP2 on Tummy Time. We're not biased or anything, but he seems really strong to us!

Having fun with Daddy!

On Max's two week birthday, we decided we had to bite the bullet and give him a bath. We were very worried about a slippery wet baby with no head control, coupled with either a porcelain bath sink or granite countertops. As you can see, we all survived. Max's hair even turned out super puffy. With one bath under our belts, we will be sure not to wait so long for the next one.

With Margaret here visiting, we also went on a couple of outings which was super fun. This one was to a brew pub/restaurant in Jefferson City called Prison Brews. MP fed Margaret and I a line that the brew pub was in an old state prison (I actually had heard this too, but it sounds better to blame him!). Upon arrival, we discovered that it actually is simply down the street from the historic state pen. Hmmm, oh well. The IPA sure was tasty, and Max seemed to have a fun time too.

On that note, I guess I am off to make some dinner, since there's no one here to do it for us! :)


  1. Love the Yazoo cup :) Such a cutie!

  2. We're trying to indoctrinate him nice and early!
